Sunday, October 31, 2010


Checkpoint reached, getting back home in another two days, It has been a voyage with lots of changes. when i look back and see how far i have come, i feel it's really quite a big distance i have covered. Sometimes i have to have a check at the speed and it's acceleration oh! God , Can't afford to loose from now any more. these few months were different in many ways. There are times when i felt a bit more responsible for things happening, a bit more confident then usual, a bit more sarcastic then i have ever been but somewhere in my mind i kept telling myself, it has be this way only!

Now its the time to have a check at the family and their issues, though i know that suddenly the scenario has changed it's high time to just let everything settle down in a quite manner, i have to play a key role in that case, Can't  i skip this, i can but then i do not want things to change itself  want them to change the way i have desired, hope that God has planned it out already and as always i got to admire it with love :)       

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lost & Found !!

Sometimes it comes to my mind that at this point of time what i have lost or what i have found. 

It is really confusing  to be in such situation where we have to judge ourselve with what we have gained.It has been a fair journey so far some times it has provided me the worst from the best and sometimes it has given me the best from the wrost of the situations, whatever it is, it has to be counted as the vital experiences for my life which are very crucial in shaping up my destiny.

Whenever the question comes in my mind how to judge myself, i  have got only one scale which decide it for me and that is to see the people who are associated with me, Are they happy with me or Am i happy with them or not? and that is the most difficult part of it, it has never been easy for me to decide, this is the only way i know.

Time has changed a lot for me and it has changes me a lot as well, i hope it continues to make me better and better and empower me to make people happy with whatever i have.. 
See ya!!!