Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Equilibrium…

Digital Art (13)
As one more year passed away I turn 23 today, It has been a voyage with unusual experiences,  a voyage with anonymous milestones and a voyage with unknown destination.
Well, For me It has always been about finding an equilibrium between the situations I am in and the way I respond to it. It is really difficult to put certain things into  words but all the way long I have been trying to steady this equilibrium- equilibrium of  life, equilibrium of thoughts, equilibrium of relations, equilibrium of desires. As long I do so its a life worth living. 
Meanwhile I want to thank the Almighty for whatever he has offered me, for whatever I am blessed with and for this beautiful Life which is filled with tons n tons of moments few good ones, a few bad ones but all bringing some or the other way the experiences which last forever, Thank you very much for this beautiful life..
Aloha ..