Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Learn to teach

Learning in life never ends, since the day we take birth till the day we die, we keep learning from the world around us, and for that what I personally feel, the first thing which is essential for a good learner is to learn to admit that they don't know much , learn to accept the fact that they are ignorant then learning becomes rather easy.

Well, Being it a teacher's day, I recall the incident about 5 years back, when I applied for a teachers training program while interviewing they asked me what is that quality of a teacher which I think is very important for a teacher to have, I told them, as far as I am concern, a teacher must be a good learner, they argued on that, and according to them a teacher should have a good knowledge of the subject, how can we expect a teacher to be a learner when he himself is supposed to teach! well I told indeed a teacher should have a through knowledge of the subject but in addition to that, a teacher needs to learn new methods, technology and implement in his teaching to compete with the changing world around, well somehow we ended with the discussion as it was only meant to check intellectual ability.
Its been long time, I have adapted teaching as a profession, there is lot more to explore in this area, perhaps still I have to learn a lot to teach to justify my being over here in a school, and indeed every single day brings a new learning experience for me, let it be from the staff members, friends or even kids, I  always try to provide them the best of my knowledge, there are times where the inability of controlling temper, treat them equally or amuse them long enough prevails, perhaps that's why i am yet to be an everybody's teacher. My version of teaching has been different in many aspects, as i am not much trained to do so, for me having an elastic relation between a teacher and student pays off more to bring out the best of them, providing them moral support wherever they lack  is  something that is what they need the most and it is something that would last longer than anything else, sometimes it becomes difficult to understand or to judge ourselves with their reactions, or many  times its been disappointing stuff. but I always hope that sooner or later  in their life, they would realize it, because even I realize how especial those teachers were! and what my teachers have done for me is something not payable..
Anyway playing my part in  the best possible manner and learning more and more everyday, hope to be a good learner at least if not, a good teacher,  I wish all my readers happy learning, never miss a chance to learn just because you thought you knew it.
Happy teacher's day to all those who have been teaching me over the years...