Friday, October 19, 2012

As a catalyst

I still remember we used to study about the catalyst in chemistry, by the definition it is a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction. It is a substance that is used in many chemical reactions, where its presence matters, in absence of a catalyst, chemical reactions fail to occur. It plays a very significant role and defines the course of the reactions, and the most fascinating part is that it remains unchanged at the end of the reactions. It does not allow the reagents to leave any impact.
Playing as a catalyst in the different reactions happening around, some way or the other we may able to initiate, take control of the flow of reactions, change the direction of the reactions. Causing such influence of the presence can be categorized  as a Catalyst. But the only property that is difficult to possess is the ability to stay unaffected by the end or not to let these reactions make any change in you. It has been very difficult to get those electrons back to their orbit, that have escaped due to extreme energy possession. That is why probably there should always be good enough nuclear attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.
Isn’t that I talking too much of chemistry? Well talking about myself, It being my birthday, one more year of this evolutionary saga has completed, one more year with full of life lasting experiences has passed away, Its almost an year being away from home town, family friends, Its total abstracted behaviour that I had to adapt however life wasn’t that bad either with organized system to work in and evaluation at every step, Life indeed gets better and better, provided that there are limitations to the degree of freedom. Whatever it may be I have to keep taking part in the reactions of life whether as a catalyst or as a reactant. , hope to keep this evolution going till its last phase.
May God Bless!!