The uncertainty principle studied in
science goes far from it is supposed to be applied, In real life things get
uncertain and all we do is to cope up with the random moments of life. Well It
has been a very different first month of the New Year I had to experience. Most
of the days revolved around the uncertainty principle :P Uncertain about my own principles, I too keep on thinking about my next move
which is still not clear, Starting days of the month were as always in grief
and grave, which is understandable for
the people near to me, after a few days
had a five days of break from the school, which was only and only meant for
resting since there was no plan of going out of the city to back home or
anywhere else, all the days noticed sheer fun there was no sense to make it up,
marked some strange and unusual moments in between . Once again back to the
work after the break, actually there was not such much of the work to
accomplish apart from odd school works, ever since the desire to do better than
before and prove a point kind of feeling goes off, life seems to be very simple
and easy to live.
Apart from that sharing a few lines from the
movie ‘Life of Pi’ the hero says- In the
end what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye, Good bye to someone whom we
cared for, goodbye to the someone whom we appreciated a lot, good bye to the
someone who taught us many vital things for life or good bye to someone whom we
are so much thankful. Unfortunately I too never got the chance to say thank you
or good bye to my parents or many of my loving friends. During the life span
of an individual there comes a several moments when we don’t finish off well,
the last words always kept inside the cage and yet we need to move on, for there
are things beyond human fascinations It is better to accept the fact and move
on, The whole of life becomes an act of letting it go….