Thursday, November 7, 2013


Everybody is addicted to one or the other thing, some are addicted to pleasure, some are addicted to pain, and some are addicted to materialistic stuff or even with the memories associated with somebody.  As an individual we all have choices to make, choices that make us happy, choices that make us sad, choices that make others happy and choices that make others sad. These choices sometimes turn out to be our habits and some of these habits trap us to the state of addiction, there are lot of different kind of addiction we get in a life span, some last for a period of time and some last for ever and some only till then we find an alternative to it. Our addiction and its intensity totally depend on the evolutionary state that bought us to the state of addiction. The mental level of an individual decides how long that addiction is going to last.

Addition can either be a good one or bad one but that totally depends on how compatible you are to that addiction. Some of the addictions make a person the best in the business like a sportsperson or an actor who are so addicted to pursue their passion that they are ready to battle out with the world and do whatever it takes for their addiction. Some addictions can ruin your life and those who are rely on you just because you are overdoing with that addiction. The thing is we are and we will be addicted to the things we like to do, the trick is to keep that addiction to the minimum level of the compatibility so that it does not prove to be a harmful one. May be I am addicted to stuffs i.e. addicted to write to let people know and understand me, addicted to study different people and their behavior, addicted not to disappoint anyone with their anticipation from me. Addicted to do what I feel I should or I could and sooner or later I need to find out what it takes to replace that with something more meaningful and better in evolutionary sense.