Friday, March 21, 2014

Different algorithm

We all have a different perspective to whatever we see and what we make of it. In the same manner we all use different algorithm to solve our problems. I noticed it this month when there was a mathematical problem given to us and I saw people finding out different answers of the same problem, all of them were right, it’s just that they used different algorithm to reach to the answer and hence they got a different answer. People with the same algorithm got the same answer. And they see their answer as the most accurate one. As I applied the same concept to our real life, I found that it’s pretty some similar to the way we look at things out how we come become judgemental about almost everything. What I believe is that people use their past experiences to judge people and it is a very common phenomenon. As per a study, we human seek patterns in random events and that’s why these patterns form a different algorithm for us which we apply in our daily life events.  I have been acquainted to such people who have been using their algorithm to such an extreme level that they get deprived of any new result hence lessen the chances of developing new algorithms. They are so reluctant that they resist any kind of new change that comes through. Different algorithm leads to a totally different result and that’s why people get into the different situations while facing the same kind of problems. It’s very important to program our brain with different algorithm so that we would be able to get different results of the same problem and select the most appropriate one or the most convincing. A little bit of programing may help you to get though many of the small of big problems.
As far as my destiny goes, I have been using different algorithms to deal with different situations and people in my life. Today being a sad day of my life, the day lost my grandmother, my Amma who was more of a single parent for me at many stages of my life.  I just want to recall the memories I had with my most loved Amma, with whom I could not be in her last days perhaps I didn’t want to, perhaps my destiny didn’t want me to be but whatever it is, it will go as a deep regret in my life. Sometimes we keep our emotions, feelings intact to show at the later part of our life but that doesn’t happen all the time at least not with me. I wish I could have another time to relive and express myself at certain stages! I know I just can’t but what I can is to never let go this feeling and their memories which shall always be there in my heart no matter what algorithm I start using. Meanwhile another session ends by the end of March and its time to little revise the algorithm being used in school. To my readers do have some strong and logical algorithm for you but never be afraid of trying new ones before you get a result maybe you get a better result with a Different Algorithm.