Saturday, September 5, 2015

Being teacher

Being it the teacher’s day, I am tempted to write something on it. It has been a long time when I joined this profession almost seven years and every year on this day I analyse myself where I stand as a teacher. one of the measuring scale for that is the love, affection and respect I get from my students. When they come to wish it signifies what they feel for us, Some bring gifts, some make cards, some give flowers and some come and wish to show their affection and respect its always overwhelming for any teacher on the contrary some just pass by without responding some don’t bother whether we exist for them or they have their own reasons for doing so may be not just because we don’t teach them anymore cause mostly they associate themselves with the currently teaching people or and that only matter for them and that is expected nothing wrong with it but trust me the real good feeling for a teacher comes when those students remember us whom we don’t teach anymore who have got nothing to take from us anymore still they remember us and appreciate us. That shows that we still have a place at their heart and that’s what most of us look for as a teacher.  I too look for the appreciation and respect from my students but I have observed it experienced it over the years my graph is going down in terms of the appreciation I used to get it in the past and now. As far as I am concern I have grown a lot as a teacher in these seven years. The concepts that I used to find difficult to explain to my students now I can make them understand in various different ways. Even with the advancement of the technology it’s pretty easy and rather interesting to make students enjoy and learn at the same time and this is the need of the hour the students look for such teachers who not only teach them nicely but also make them enjoy learning. I know I stand nowhere to be an ideal teacher category but as long as I am in my classroom I do my best to make them learn in every possible way. Not The thing is because I don’t have a conventional subject or a conventional teaching practice there is a difference in my methodology which I used to learn over the years. Mostly I just inform them, clear their doubts and let them learn of their own by exploring and doing. I have been doing this for years but I also realise that it is not effective for all the students in the class. At times I feel like adapting the conventional ways but that requires ideal environment not ideal then at least close to  some level and in absence of that I had to just drop the idea and let things be done in an unconventional, unscripted and an unadmired manner which I thing is the cause that I fail at times to give all my students a feel that they are learning and this may be my failure as a teacher. There are lot of things that makes me an unconventional unorthodox type of teacher and for that I may never be an ideal teacher for my students yet I hope my presence will help them gain knowledge whether it’s by me or through me rest THE TIME IS THE BEST TEACHER.