Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy to be Free..

"People love to do what they want in their lives, they enjoy FREEDOM. it is something that can not be replaced by any other thing in the world, No matter where you are No matter what you achieve in your life, The Sense of freedom is what we look for. Nobody likes to be told every time what to do and what to do not!!", This is what i feel, Life should be the way we want it to be but that freedom should not be used in such a way that it affects other's freedom. 

On the eve of this Independence Day-
I was just having to look at my 'Degree Of Freedom', How much free i am..At this point of time,being so far away from my loved ones. i am enjoying my freedom to the fullest, Doing things that could not have been done, had i been there with them or they must have interrupted some what i know.

Oh yes! i am  HAPPY, happy to be free from sorrows, tension,emotions or anything else that has been there in the past. But with this freedom comes opportunity to select what is RIGHT and what is WRONG, Now all the decisions have to be taken by me and that can sometime be very crucial because now i don't have anyone to blame for things i do wrong. that's why that FREEDOM power has to be taken in such a way that can be formative rather than distractive, i hope i am doing justice to my freedom to some extent and it is not causing harm to anyone in anyway.

"HappY tO have tHIS InDependence"