Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Dimension

The very first month of the year had a lot for me…probably adding a new dimension to what my life seemed to be like before, I continue to work on the instincts rather than having any any kind of pre planned method of doing things, Its a great fun actually leaning into the situations as per demand which eventually reduces pressure somewhat.
The most significant moments we earn by when we see our influence on the life of people around us, and indeed I can not describe it but somehow it is happening, its happening  very often and in  large scale, which in turn scares me and requires me not to chose any incorrect plane, being too intense in such cases is generally the out come of it.
Reading about parapsychology reincarnation and life after death the later half of the month, I could literally  visualize human life and relations with a totally different perspective. I would recommend most people to read and try to understand the significance of life.It was indeed a soothing experience learning about all that and would perhaps ease most of my believes about the life. It certainly added a new dimension to my life perspective…

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Flash back..

35Evaluating at different level, The last year  had shown me all the different  colours of the world, Nightmares becoming reality, things becoming more and more complicated, got into the situations which could have literally torn anyone into pieces and  from  there  making things work around as directed, handling the pressure like never before. At some point of time It seemed that it’s going no where,  and probably not worth a try, but somehow I got thick skinned and managed to sneak through, got some momentum back and stabilized things to some extent.

As compared to it, the later half of the year, came with ease as for the most of the things, I did not have to make huge efforts, It began to get done of it’s own,The scenario changed, but somewhere I started feeling that I am loosing the grip, the grip on myself, now i don’t have to make much choices, I have stopped fighting with myself for things I should not, I stopped  being fuzzy over the matters, started pleasing people around me in different ways and their affection came naturally. But at times It’s very difficult for me to reciprocate their love and affection. I got into a self amusing state of mind. Life became too easy, It’s all that makes anyone feel that things should never change and let it be like that  for rest of the years…but It never happen…nothing lasts forever. Scenario changes dramatically in unexpected ratio and I am very well aware of this fact, having experienced lot of those, Today on the death anniversary of my father,  just got a reminder of one of that. My life is just a tribute to him!