Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Good and the Bad

If people are made to choose between any good thing and bad thing on any given day they would certainly go for the good thing whatever it may be we all opt for good better and best in our life. So what about the bad things which are left over or ignored? well as far as I am concern there is nothing like good or bad in this world. What is a good thing for you it may be a bad thing for somebody else. It all depends on our way of thinking and that is reflected by how we have been brought up. Extending beyond the definition of good or bad what we need to do is to change our outlook with respect to time or else the old orthodox conventional way of looking at the thing may not lead you to the way of salvation. Remembering a line of a poem “From the passing of Arthur”which was taught when I was in 12th.
“Old order changeth yielding place to new, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”
The way these lines were interpreted to me has really broaden my outlook form that very day and I then I decided to take things good or bad in my own way far from the customs and traditions of the world. And at times I get into arguments because of the way the good and the bad is defined still all that matters at the end is happy soul and convinced brain. Anyway the opinion of other people seldom matters to us. We just have to be bold enough to express ourselves and courageous enough to live our life the way we want.

Well I have been dealing with loads Good’s and Bad’s which are vice-versa for the rest of the world and as long as my inner soul allows it never a good or a bad thing for me. Life is offering all kinds of stuffs it’s up to us which one to take and which one to leave.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Paradox of reality

I was reading a few days back about paradox of intolerance, there are lot of situations arising in day to day life where we can check our tolerance. But what you will more see now a days in people is their intolerance. Being observing it for a very long time, I have noticed people lacking tolerance in real life so badly that they lose control over their own life and mess up everything. Possessing tolerance is a virtue which enables one to drive their own pathway to the destiny but in reality it is their intolerance that hovering over in most of the situations. Its rather easy to appear nice, talk good and make promises but in reality what you do when there is no one to notice is what your real personality trait. We fail to show tolerance to something unpleasing to us or fail to control our mind for the things which we know isn’t realistic.

The reality is mostly hidden and unpleasing. And the bitter truth is that, It is the reality, the paradox of reality of today’s world , I am no exception to till as I believe I ‘ve started losing my level of tolerance which I remember was pretty high at some point of my life, it’s like I’m losing control over myself, for the things I know I shouldn’t to the things I should , every morning I get up telling myself the way to go, things to practice but it disappears as the day progresses , I was not like that, I remember I used to take hard decisions I stick to it but now it’s like being in such environment , being with such chameleon kind of people I too have lost ,myself somewhere,  anyway in this paradox of reality I am still in search of a real genuine human race who could actually behave and act the way they should be and end the day with no harm done neither to themselves nor to others. Things have to change at some point of time, well after giving a lot of thought I finally decided to cook for myself, which itself is a great feeling but it takes lot of time management and hard work to do so. I had been thinking for a long time to add another dimension to this life style and finally came up with the decision to start preparing own food. I have done it it before in past , cant help recalling some of those moments  anyway things have changed a lot  now I don’t have my grandmother to help me out   I missed her the first day I cooked. Still remember the last time I cooked for my father, wish I had few more of those days! I wish I had ever served my mother the same way….!  Those memories won’t ever be erased and I don’t want that to be erased too that's why i just keep recalling it till I pass it on.