Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Just About Everything…

Finally the year 2012 is just about to be over; I have been reading it for many days that It’s a fantastic year for all of us. It was a year which I guess has captured everyone’s eye and in most cases was a very significant for everyone. Though It was mostly associated with the doom’s day belief, the year which has made people think a lot in terms of their future plans their desires, their expectation from life and the ability to sustain in many life events.
Well for me too the year turned out to be pretty especial one,a year of testing human psychology, a year of understanding own believes and outperforming,  a year which had Just about everything, While I was  evaluating the year, It brought me down to many different lows and highs where I had glimpsed life at its very different angles. There was Love, Faith Joy, Grief, Fun, Sorrow Stupidity, Anger, Hatred, and Embarrassment just about everything! There were moments when I really felt good about myself, there were moments indicated me my limits, ensured that I don’t get carried away and showed me the human touch to the fantasy world. Nevertheless At last it all counts as some everlasting moments which brings life closer to us, make us feel alive and are vital for that thing called evolution. I ended the year  completing my post graduation which I guess is very significant and would probably help in many up comings.
Last day of the year, would like to thank everybody for being there in various stages and helped me gaining in my evolution in different ways, whether you did good or bad it all counts, It all counts for the evolution of an individual. not to mention anybody but all my associates have been very nice to me, my family, friends colleagues, students every one of you, God has been too kind to me Thank you for everything you offered me this year. I wish for many more great years not only for me but for all my near ones and dear ones…  
-May God bless us all

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Like that only

For many days there is something that is constantly hitting my mind, and that is what do I want from my life?what exactly do I want for myself ? what do I like or what I don’t. We are a result of the choices we make in our life. Often in life we make choices and the choices which we make depend on our likes and dislikes. Many a times we need to come to a conclusion about what do we like or what we don’t.As an individual, we should be capable of taking our own decisions and that is called our ‘Free will’. We all have been granted with this Free Will Power that is an outcome of our free, active and healthy brain. We all are supposed to have our Free will.  Somewhere I have read about our Will Power and its impact in our life, how a strong will can change the course of a life, contradictory to that I have come across another theory and that is In reality We don’t have a Free Will. We pretend to have it but in reality there is nothing like a free will, our ideas, thoughts lifestyle all are influenced by some or the other external factors, we can hardly make an honest decision which genuinely reflects our real personality and soul.  
Today when I sit down with a cool and calm head and think of the choices that I have made in my life and its influences causing factors I feel that I actually lacked that Free will power.  There was no decision which was taken irrespective to the external factors. In reality we hardly think of what exactly we like or what we don’t like, that thought only comes in our mind when somebody asks us about our hobbies or likes and dislikes and then the answer which we give was always either to please somebody or to express our dignity with respect to our surroundings, That likes and dislikes which we mention right from filling slam books to making resumes.It’s always a tentative answer, which is a kind of our enforcement to our brain. Perhaps that’s why our likes and dislikes keep changing from time to time or person to person and our like goes LIKE THAT ONLY!!!