Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dang Adventure Camp

It has been one of my long awaited desire to go for an adventure camp but never got any opportunity until this vacation break. I had already set up my mind not to go home this Diwali but to try and do something different and the idea of going to adventure camp came from nowhere just a few days before the vacation began. I had a look at the details of the tour came to know that there are lots of known faces in the tour that helped me to be even more firm with the decision to be a part of it and got myself registered at the very last minute and started preparing myself for the camp which was still a few days away from the due date that was 14th.
After all the day arrived when we had to leave for the camp, had to wake up early at 4  but literally I didn’t had a sleep at all due to the excitement and was already awake before the alarm. Deactivated the alarm and got up ready. One of the parent had come to pick me up from the school itself it was quite convenient to reach there before time in fact we were the first to reach to venue from where we were supposed to leave. Slowly others started joining us and by 5:30 everyone was there quite a few were surprised to see me there. After the attendance we were into the bus and I found my company in some of my dear students whom I believed we had a better level of understanding and could have good time together. The journey began and after few hours we were there to the destination point that was Dang Forest at Ahwa Dist. Of Gujarat. It seemed to be quite dense than the most of the forest areas I have been to.
We reached to a place I believe “Kalli Bhel“  we were given stay at a Ashram like something. There we were given instructions to be followed for the rest of the camping then we made our way to the room where we had to stay. Soon after the breakfast we had a small introductory game which helped us to know about each other as well as some interesting facts about different animals then we were given a demo on how to set up a tent followed by a few more games and then lunch. After lunch we were taken to a river for bath in jeeps, I got chance to be on the top of the jeep and in real sense that started the real adventure with beautiful sight seeing from the top of the running jeep. It was quite a fun to be underwater though I don’t know swimming but those who knew took great advantage of it. It lasted for an hour or so then we were back. We were served with biscuit and tea which was badly needed then we left for another quest this time by foot. We reach to remote location where we were told how to climb up the mountain and how to rappel down. We were given proper safety to perform those activities but the climbing was not that difficult so I could do it without ropes. It was dark by the time girls completed their rappelling so for boys it was sensible to postpone the activity and we marched back to the our camp, My toe got twisted for a bad landing while coming back it was quite a pain, We came back had dinner and I had to apply Iodex on my leg it gave me some relief and again went for night walk to see starts and constellations in the open sky. There I believe I saw a shooting star.  As we moved ahead we got the chance to see a giant spider with its full furnished web it could go quit scary at night never mind we came back after that to the ashram got a good night call and told about the next day schedule. It was a tiring day so there was no chance of being awake late. We slept in our sleeping back for me it was the first time quite uncomfortable still couldn’t resist my sleep.

The next day we were supposed to get up at 6 and I got up a little earlier than that After everyone got fresh we had a half an hour morning exercise I am already habitual to it so it was nothing new after that we had breakfast and then we went for trekking first on a long way on jeep then by foot. It was really one of the most difficult way I had ever travelled. First climbing up on the hill then coming down, many slipped, many fell, many got hurt as we sent to the destination which was a mini water fall my toe got twisted for the second time I had to bear the pain and concentrate on the beauty of the place.  We got the chance to see a black headed water snake there too, a small one without poison. We rested there for half an hour or so I had gone barefoot into the waterfall which gave me some relaxation to continue the journey. While coming back the path became even more difficult due to the lack of energy and water on the way anyhow we came back after that we had lunch and then activities river crossing and trust fall. Both the activities were new to me and I enjoyed a lot. It was night by then had dinner and an hour of camp fun and then slept.
Once again the same routine was to be followed, after exercise breakfast and then went for another trek this was indeed a longer path we had to climb really high and all we could see from the top was valleys and valleys. There at the top to our destination point was a residue of an old fort of Shivaji which might have been used for invigilation in earlier time. There rested on a dry step well which was formed to hold water there after half an hour of rest we took a different way to return back. This time it was going to be even more difficult one as the climbing up is easier then coming down and that too on a very narrow and slippery path one wrong step and you fall and not only you but others too who are lined up on that narrow path with you anyway with great difficulty lot of sweating and two stoppage we could finish it. Back to camp had lunch followed by river bath which literally makes you forget all the difficulties of the trek and feel fresh again then evening we got biscuit and milk which I converted into Bournvita after that we went for rappelling for the remaining participants. It was my chance to perform. Basically I am very much scared of height but I have decided to overcome by doing the things that scare me so I went for it. We had to walk backwards slanted holding the rope. I was confident that I would be able to do and I started well suddenly the rope slipped off my hand I started falling thanks that I was tied with another safety rope. I managed and was able to come down safely. It was scary after the activity we came back had dinner and a game called “Save the world” It was fun basically a mind game where our reaction and instinct were checked and I love such games initially every team had problems so as our team but once it was all set we could do it easily with a little dispute and few attempts our team were won it.
The Conclusion last day we had been given extra time to sleep I guess but I was already awake by 5 once every one was ready we had been given breakfast no exercise we had to pack our begs and a small activity to keep the impression of a leaf on pop just for a remembrance and a group photo and we left the place with lots of memories moments of fun, fear and excitement. For me it was truly a tour of a life time I had done the things I could never do it alone. Learnt a lot had a self-analysis and feel myself a better person, Hope to be a part of such more adventures camps in future.